
Here Are 5 Common Winter Pests in Phoenix, Arizona

by | Oct 16, 2017

We’ve previously written about summer pests in Phoenix. However, just because temperatures are dropping as we enter winter doesn’t mean you can rest easy. There are multiple types of winter pests in Phoenix that you need to be aware of.In this blog post, we’ll review five of the most common types of winter pests here in the Valley, and what you should do to deal with each of them.

The Top 5 Winter Pests in Phoenix

Here are five of the most common winter pests in Phoenix. If you spot these creepy-crawlies, call Arizona’s Best Pest & Termite Services for professional pest prevention and treatment.

1. Spiders

Brown Recluse SpiderSpiders seek out the warmth of your home during the winters here in the Valley. Many spiders are harmless. The cellar spider—commonly known as the “Daddy Long-Legs Spider” in the United States—is an example of a spider that poses no threat to humans, but is a predator to other insects. Unless you’re an arachnophobe, we recommend leaving them be.

The same is not true for two other species: the black widow and the brown recluse, both found here in Arizona. These spiders love to make their winter homes in Phoenix garages, attics, and other secluded spaces. As venomous species, both can pose a threat to you and your family.

If you spot either the black widow—one of the most recognizable spiders in the world—or the brown recluse, call Arizona’s Best Choice for service.

2. Ants

AntsAnts are less active outside during the winter, as they tend to hibernate under the ground during the colder months. However, once inside your home, ants feel the warmth and begin to start their foraging behaviors. In this way, ants can be one of the more surprising winter pests in Phoenix.

A winter ant infestation is typically a sign that the colony is well-built and somewhere in close proximity to your home. Give us a call for a free pest inspection, and we’ll advise you on the best way to deal with the ants.

3. Termites

TermiteThis is the big one. Winters in Phoenix, Arizona are termite season, as it’s when termites are most active. Elsewhere around North America, nightly frosts can claim the lives of entire termite colonies. However, the mild winter weather here in the Valley and the warmth of your home is enough for the termites to thrive and multiply.

Termites require immediate treatment from a professional team. Left to their own devices, drywood termites can damage or destroy your home. Look for the signs of subterranean termites in your home, and then give us a call for a free termite inspection.

4. Cockroaches

CockroachCockroaches are primarily a summer pest in Phoenix. However, drawn in by the warmth of your home, they may also be seen in the winter in your house. Besides being completely disgusting, roaches carry a large number of microbial pathogens, including salmonella, streptococcus, and Staphylococcus.

If you suspect your home has roaches, call in our team—even in the colder months, roaches can multiply and become a big headache for you and your home.

5. Small Rodents

Roof ratsSmall rodents, such as mice and rats, are also active inside the house during the winters. These pests can seek shelter inside the house to avoid the cold. Much like roaches, rodents pose a health risk because of the different pathogens they carry. You need to be vigilant when the weather changes and temperature decreases.

Consider calling a pest control expert to eliminate the rodents from inside the house.

Recommended Reading: How to Deal with a Rat Infestation

Contact Arizona’s Best Pest for Pest Control Services in Phoenix

For affordable and effective control of winter pests in Phoenix, Arizona, contact the team here at Arizona’s Best Choice Pest & Termite Services. We have highly experienced and professional pest control experts who can eliminate all types of pests around the house.

To get in contact with us, call us at (480) 986-8500 or contact us online.


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